Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Is This Call A Debate?

Malaysiakini announce the debate as "Anwar vs Shabery in historic debate" and many must have view it by now. Malaysiakini will be reporting in more details.

Is this a true debate or the Malaysia Boleh style. From the start I can see that all are being prepared to hammer Anwar with that bias moderator.

Time is too short for a real debate seeing both sides cannot actually put forward a complete answer per session.

60% of the debate is off topic.

The topic is "Hari ini membentuk kerajaan, esok turun harga minyak"
Translated loosely "Today form the government, tomorrow decrease in fuel price".

What has the history of Anwar got to do with the debate topic. What has more openness for the debate got to do with the topic. What has umno/bn which started petronas got to do with the debate and many more unwarranted mentioning.

Shabery is trying his best to defend the fuel price increase by making wrong comparisons. He is leaning more towards a personal attack and trying to defend umno wrong doing.

Anwar in turn mention how we need not have to get hold of petronas money to reduce the fuel price but to cut off unnecessary wastage like corruptions and bail outs.

I have put up a poll on the right menu title "Who provides more related facts on the debated topic". Please participate.

1 comment:

flyer168 said...

With the Powers-that-be still in "Denial" & maintaining their Self-Destruct" mode path there is nothing much more that our new MPs, State Leaders, Aduns, Intellectuals, including DSAI, etc can do to change their "Paradigm".

Their motto has been, is still & will always be "Heads I win, Tails you Lose!"

Maybe we should just give them more rope to hang themselves at every turn towards their "Self-Destruct" mode path !

1. The Topic is already biased ( insinuating / insulting, etc) & not an intelligent topic . Could it not be a specific topic on the " Recent Fuel Hike introduced by the Government - Pros & Cons"

2. A Moderator has to be, and be seen as "Neutral" in any discussions / debate, prompt to keep the debate within the topic & to give a specific time limit for the participants to put forward their case with no interruptions, etc.

3. The Debaters will then be allowed to present their case within that time & the Moderator should use his / her discretion to allow the participants to complete their case instead of interrupions.

4. As you had mentioned....60% of the debate is off topic (Moderator's job to prompt/lead them back into the topic) & the Moderator is biased, with preconceived thoughts to intimidate, insinuate & belittle Anwar right from the start.

5. One is a new Intellectual Minister (amongst the younger ones wanting to show & prove his mettle) who wants to be a Hero & the other a Veteran Minister, ex-Finance Minister & ex-DPM who has been ostracised, insulted, punished, jailed & still being punished by the Powers-that-be because they still feel threatened with his struggle to voice the rayaat's plight.

6. Have we not learnt from the US Presidential debates or we "do not want to learn...or is it (by command!) premeditated to "hammer" this participant. "

7. Under the circumstances I feel DSAI has more "Guts" than the Powers-that-be to take that "Challenge" and be counted to voice the rayaat's plight on the unnecessary Fuel Hike with his views to offer an alternative by cutting the National "Wastages" on "White Elephant" projects, etc.

8. The audience & viewers can then form their own opinions.

To answer your poll "Who provides more RELATED facts on the debated topic", I would say it is DSAI.