Saturday, September 6, 2008

Poker Bluff And Who Is Bluffing?

The table of six players have dwindle down to two players and the final stake is high, in fact very high. Both players are going for broke and the bottom card is so tightly guarded that no one knows what it is. The open cards show both players going for a straight flush and there is going to be only one winner.

The whole country is watching and waiting for the players to reveal their last cards. The date is set on the 16th September 2008 to see who win the biggest stake in poker history.

As the time ticks by, both are countering each other with whatever they have to ensure a win. From the daily Malaysiakini reports both are very confident of winning.

Yes this is the scene of Malaysia playing poker at the expense of the rakyat.

The player who is in control of the power house keep on insisting that the other player is bluffing. But whether it is a bluff or not he is not taking any chances or he has the feeling that it is not a bluff after all. To ensure that he does not lose, he pay a visit to the Yang Di Pertuan Agong, to seek comfort or for whatever reason, known to himself.

To ensure that he has the winning hand he might as well interrupt the poker play and deny the opening of the last card on the 16th September 2008. Although he said that it has nothing to do with the 16th September 2008, a plan was put in place to send all MPs overseas for a study tour for 12 days. Well it may be foul play, the referee just could not do anything because he is under this player's payroll.

Although he keeps on saying that the other player is bluffing, he has to announce and promise he will thwart any attempts to stop the other player from winning.

While this player is planning his next move, the other player is calling the shot and announce that the bottom card is for real and he has the confident to win.

Well fellow Malaysian, will 16th September 2008 be the biggest poker game that we have ever seen? We have to wait, don't we.

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