Sunday, August 10, 2008

Flag Flying Up Flag Flying Down Or Upside Down

The love for the nation and be patriotic comes from each individual but what the ruling government interpretation is, "You must love us first then only you are patriotic".

Sheih blog kickdefella launched a campaign to fly the Jalur Gemilang upside down as a symbol of the People's Frustration and a signal that the nation is in distress.

Many commentators disagree and posted their comments on various popular blogs.

Rockybru blog has this to say;

I have decided to fly the Jalur Gemilang, full-stop. I will fly it not upside down nor half-mast, but the way it's supposed to be flown. Like Tehsin and Pasquale and Engku Emran (and Marina, Wong Chun Wai and Wattahack), I agree with Sheih that we are a nation in trouble. I won't go on another strike to prove that point because I believe I've proven my point. Full story here.

All I can say is the nation needs a miracle to get itself out of the major troubles and problems that are facing us today.

Every patriotic citizen would want to help out or express their frustration in one way or another and this calling for raising the flag upside down is one of them. It shows a concern but to many this might be the wrong way and this is an opportune for the ruling government to get back at bloggers even if this action is not wrong.

As this is not a favorable action we will let it pass. We hope someone may come out with a better solution on how we can act to solve the nation troubles and problems.

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