Thursday, August 21, 2008

Penang Land Scam Debate

While watching the Penang Land Scam debate live over NTV7, I keep wondering what kind of censor is being imposed on the speakers.

The present Chief Minister and the Ex-CM seems to hold back what is in their minds. It is understandable for the Ex-CM but it looks like the present CM cannot speak in total what is in his mind.

Tan Sri Koh Tsu Koon prefer to have the debate on TV rather then having direct talks or discussions with the Chief Minister of Penang YB Lim Guan Eng. This is an advantage to him for he knows that the time alloted will be too short for details debate on the many land scams exposed.

He select and debate on the one land scam that is being in court and happened 40 years ago. He play safe, as this case happened when he is not the CM as yet. He avoided answering the other four land scams and keep on stressing on the one that happened 40 years ago.

As for the CM YB Lim Guan Eng he cannot have sufficient time to talk about the other four land scams. He has no choice but to be brief on the land scams and run home with what he will do for the people of Penang and that he will not tolerate any corruptions.

The debate ended with no real answers but one point is that the land scams as mentioned by the CM does happen.

My suggestion is that the CM continue to pursue all the land scams with or without the Ex-CM involvement, get sufficient evidences and take the whole bunch to court. Do not entertain this kind of debate proposal again for it will never answer all the questions.

It is better for the Information Minister to arrange for political debates. The present Permatang Pauh by election can be the first election debate on national TV between the candidates. Why is the information Minister calling for more open debate to solve issues but dare not allow the election debate to be held?

Can we have this Permatang Pauh by election debate between the two candidates, Mr. Information Minister?

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