Saturday, August 16, 2008

Permatang Pauh - Who will Prevail?

It's a three way fight, reported Malaysiakini.

I had waited until the nomination is over before I blog on this topic as to be sure that Anwar is confirm as a candidate.

P44 - Permatang Pauh by election is set to see the fight between ‘sodomite’ versus brother to a ‘swindler’ the heading by Raja Petra in his blog.

One thing is, Anwar is not convicted as yet, so he cannot be a sodomite and Arif's brother doings has nothing to do with Arif. I hope that both party will fight it out in a clean manner.

But can we expect a clean fight. Almost everyone throughout the blogsphere and some from the public are already crying that umno will used all the dirtiest tricks in their book.

I would like to share two bloggers posting with you.

Is Saiful a liar and conspired with umno to stop Anwar's ambition? Read this abstract from Haris blog.

‘I’ve done this for God and I took my oath in the house of God, that I was humiliated and sodomised by Anwar Ibrahim and I do not wish to lie to the world as he has done’ - statement by Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan after swearing on the Holy Qur’an at the Masjid Wilayah at Jalan Duta yesterday, as reported by Malaysiakini.

Er, Saiful, you did lie to the whole world yesterday.

Saiful was asked by a reporter to explain how the timing was so close to nomination date for the Permatang Pauh by-election.

Saiful replied : It’s all a coincidence. We don’t know that Anwar is going to contest…

Yet, on 2nd August, Malaysiakini reported that in a posting in Saiful’s blog on 1st August, ‘Saiful also briefly wished Anwar ‘good luck’ in contesting for the Permatang Pauh by-election’.

By swearing on the Koran, does it mean that what one's said is the truth and nothing but the truth? The above two separate statements by Saiful indicates that he is lying.

Is there a conspiracy to get Anwar. Nuraina A. Samad has this to say.

It is nomination day today in Permatang Pauh.
And the accuser of Anwar Ibrahim yesterday "bersumpah" on the Quran that the de facto Parti Keadilan Rakyat leader had sodomised him without his consent.

Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan said, no, the timing (eve of nomination day) of his action was not political.

Bollocks, Saiful.
I don't believe this boy. He ought to be smacked, I tell you.

See. Everyone knows it IS a conspiracy to stop Anwar from getting anywhere near Putra Jaya. Anwar cannot be Prime Minister, period!
Read more here.

The nomination is closed and three candidates are fighting it out for this Permatang Pauh Parliament seat. So who will you stand by and support to win this seat.

Barisan Rakyat’s campaign to send Anwar to Parliament.

I support the call by Haris of People's Parliament to send Anwar to Parliament.

Anwar may have done wrong during his time with umno but the way he express himself and all the talks at ceramahs convince many that he is a change person. He may not be a saint but we can bet that he is still the best compared to all the racist umno's circus of clowns.

Haris posting:

Barisan Rakyat.

That’s us.

You and I and every anak Bangsa Malaysia who gives a damn about what happens to this country.

And who’s prepared to do what he or she can to stop the rot and to take back governance of our country.

Yes, our country.

Negara Malaysia untuk setiap anak-anak Bangsa Malaysia.

I’ve been reading so many comments about how so many of you crave for that nation.

You all want that, right?

Well, you know as well as I that no-one is going to present that to us on a silver platter!

We’re going to have to work for that Bangsa Malaysia.

What am I on about?

We know all too well what the MSM is capable of, even though they’d like us to believe that they are now pro-rakyat or pro-truth!

A reader whom I met for the first time that night later said to me that she wished that there was something she could do to help with Anwar’s campaign.

To that reader, if she’s reading this now, and to all the anak-anak Bangsa Malaysia out there, you can help, and really big time, without even getting out of the chair that you’re sitting on now.

By being part of the sms campaign that is being launched through this blog now. The text of the sms appears below.

Media massa arus p’dana akn m’perdayakan rkyt & m’cari helah utk gagalkan Dtk Seri Anwar Ibrm di P/Pauh dgn berita palsu - m’jatuhkan nama Dtk Seri & menanam rasa syak wasangka. Jom boikot! Jgn beli s/kabar & jgn p’caya berita radio/TV. Sebar kpd kwn2 di P/Png & P/Pauh.

Send this sms out to everyone you know, especially those in Penang and Permatang Pauh, and get them to send the same out to those they know. And keep sending the sms out again and again in the run-up to polling day on 26th August.........

What I am also certain of is that if Anwar does get into Parliament on 26th August, as I hope he does and, I think he deserves, and should he let us down, then, as with all the other Pakatan Rakyat elected reps who might fail us, I will work my socks off come next election to, borrowing RPK’s infamous phrase, send them all to hell.

That’s my promise to you.

I have just sent out the first sms to Mentri Besar YB Lim Guan Eng.

Please join me in this effort.

Like a great many things I try to do through this blog, they count for nothing without your participation.

Saya tetap anak Bangsa Malaysia.

Read Haris complete posting here.

Well my friends, if you want change we have to fight all the way.


Anonymous said...

Dear Readers ,

I just want to remind all and sundry that the Islamic Civilisation has a established a Judicial System right from the beginning.

Today in Malaysia it comes under the direct Purview of the Agong in the Federal Territories, Melaka, Penang, Sabah & Sarawak and the Sultans elsewhere.

It has Judges, Adocates and Bailiffs and even Sheriffs, otherwise, it may make use of the Agong's Police.

It has as its corpus of precendents, in the thousands upon thousands of similar cases in its 1400 years of history.

As for new cases, it guiding principles are the Quran, Hadiths, Ijtihad and Qiyas. And that it has enough Legal Jurists to attend to formulate new laws as for example Cyber Laws as an example.

Stems cells, Genetic Engineering and such like matters can always go back to Verses of the Quran and Hadith. One need only look for the Learned, Discerned Scholar that is around in this world.

Anyway, it is NOT so much the problem of the Muslim Community but imported by Western educated scholars whoare not trained classically or traditionally in both Western & The Traditions.

Saiful and his family are badly advised by UNLEARNED people and those who pretend to be Islamic Scholars and Legal Advocates who are thoproughly trained in ALL the Schools of Jurisprudence [Fiqh]and the Principles and Philosophy of Islamic Law.

The Masjid Wilayah Officials, ie. the Imams, and the Director of Jawi have committed a CONTEMPT of the Federal Territory Syariah Laws and Courts.

The case is still pending under Syariah laws and Courts.

The manner adn conduct of the "swearing or oath proclamation" is NOT in consonant with the Syariah, Fiqh [All Schools] neither it is consonant with ehe Legal and Philosphy of Islamic Law, & Theology.

By protocol, the 2 litigants should be present in the Syariah Court standing/sitting before the Learned Judges and Learned Scholars ONLY after EXHAUSTINg all avenues of the Syariah Courts and the Appeal to the Yang DiPertuan Agong to intervene.

And, it normal and expected of one of the 2 litigants to show GREAT Anger, CRY, Traumatized, and totally at a lost, helpless, lonely and unprotected SAVED to Allah swt as his real protector, judge, wise, and all his Beautiful names and attributes.

He/she normally would rise his hands and no longer trusting the humans around him [ie. the Judges, Scholars and Courts, and even the Agong] but he/she rest his case before his/her Creator Allah All Mighty.

Shame on All the Judges, Scholars and Amir/Khalifah/Sultan/Agong who cannot help him find justice on earth for which they all collectively and singly are answerable to God.

God is Great. And to Allah is your return.

Anonymous said...

Ariff's brother doings are not his, you are right. But I dont understand something here. How is a state assemblyman and candidate for this by-election can be trusted to represent and protect the people when he is or was a director of many companies such as Sedap Foods, DT Precision Engineering and many others more and defaulted in paying their employees EPF contribution up to the tune of RM4million? Check the records in the courts! He paid RM400k and charges personal to him were dropped by EPF! Can we trust him? He cant even protect his employees!!
-Arab Melaka